Marquette grading percentages
Marquette grading percentages

marquette grading percentages

A student having 95% will be close to 3.9 on the GPA scale, as would a student with a 75% from a 70% cut-off-for-distinction institution.

marquette grading percentages marquette grading percentages

Thus the comparison of GPA ( grade-point average) is quite difficult for Indian students elsewhere. The university awarding distinction at 70% may have a passing mark of 45%.


In a university with a 90% plus for Distinction, 60% may be the minimum passing mark. Much of this can be reconciled in the backdrop of the minimum pass score. In some instances, a score close to 90% is very rare and is virtually impossible. Indeed, the differential between universities in terms of marking scale can be as much as 20%, with some requiring an 85% plus for the award of Distinction, an approximate equivalent of the Latin honor summa-cum-laude, while yet others would award Distinction at above of 70%. The direct comparison of the percentage of marks obtained at one university with that at another is difficult. At the university level however percentages between 60–79 are considered excellent and are difficult to obtain. Generally, at the school level percentages of 75–85 are considered average while above 95 is exceptional. Many colleges outside India favour CBSE and ICSE those colleges either outright disallow students from other boards (e.g.: University of Oxford ) or require them to write additional examinations (e.g.: National University of Singapore). State boards may give either or both marks and grades if grades are given, most grade students linearly (e.g.: A+ for >90, A for 80–90 for Kerala state). The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education board doesn't and gives only the mark obtained. The national board Central Board of Secondary Education uses a percentage system coupled with a positional grade that indicates the student's performance with respect to their peers. Main article: Central Board of Secondary Education

Marquette grading percentages